Status of various NBFCs, Plantation companies who have defaulted

1) Lloyds Finance Limited
Justice V. R. DATAR (Retd Judge of High Court, Bombay) Chairman, Special Committee
S. C. MALHOTRA (I. P. S)(Retd D. G. of Police, Maharashtra)Member, Special Committee
P. K. BANSAL (I. P. S)(Retd D. G. of Police, Gujarat)Member, Special Committee

Mr. G. D. PAREKH(Retd. District & Session Judge)Secretary to Special Committee LFL/6909/2011/RR8th June 2011 Midas Touch Investors Association,Pearey lal Bhawan,2, Bhadurshah Zafar Marg,New Delhi-110002. Sub: Repayment to Deposit Holders.Sir, In response to your letter referred to above, this is to inform you that the Hon’ble High Court of Bombay in Company petitions No. 1017/2002 has appointed a special committee with its Chairmen as Retired High Court Judge. The Special Committee is required to look into all aspects with regard to the affairs of the Company including the repayment to the depositors and steps to be taken to recover the outstanding debts receivable by the Company from its borrower / debaters. The Special Committee works under the aegis of the Hon’ble High Court of Bombay. The Special Committee since its formation is in the process of releasing the payment of principle amount to the investor who had invested the amount of Rs. 5,000/- or below and clamed. The Special Committee has now taken up the task to make repayments to the investors who have invested the amount up to Rs. 10,000/- and clamed. The special committee is in the process of preparing figure scheme. However, unless the schemes already framed and sanctioned by the Hon’ble high court of Bombay are implemented and sufficient funds are at hand or are likely to be received out of settlements with the debtors of company, the committee cannot frame future scheme. At present there is no scheme framed for payment of interest. The schemes framed so far or to be framed in the near future would be for the payment of principle amount or part thereof only.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Registered Office:2nd Floor, Viraj Implex House,47, P. D’Mello Road, Masjid (East),Mumbai – 400 009.Tel.: 2348 4592/2348 3997 . Fax: 2348 2669

2) CRB Capital Markets Ltd.
Hon’ble High Court Directions for claim / payment to depositor
PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF RESERVE BANK OF INDIA Versus M/s. CRB CAPITAL MARKETS LTD. (In Prov. Liqn.) Company Appeal No.8/2006 ADVERTISEMENT OF NOTICE REGARDING PAYMENT TO FIXED DEPOSITORS / BOND HOLDERS OF CRB CAPITAL MARKETS LTD. In the above noted matter, by way of interim directions, vide orders dated 15/12/2010 in Co. App. No.8/2006 read with Order dated 16/3/2011 in CA No.4191/2011 in Co. App. No.8/2006, Division Bench of Hon'ble High Court of Delhi has constituted a disbursement committee of seven members to be chaired by a retired Additional District & Sessions Judge to make payment of the principal amount upto Rs.50,000/- to fixed depositors / bond holders whose claims have already been admitted by M/s. A. Sharma & Co., Chartered Accountants in response to the earlier public notices issued to the creditors in various newspapers. Vide the aforesaid orders, Division Bench of Hon'ble High Court has also directed to process the claims of those depositors whose claims were found deficient. In terms of the aforesaid directions the disbursement Committee has already entered upon the reference. The place of sitting of the Committee is the Regd. address of the Company i.e. 13, Panchkuin Road (Backside), New Delhi-110001. The email address is The detailed particulars of the claimants and the amount admitted, the detailed particulars of the claimants whose claims were found deficient / rejected stands uploaded on, the website of the Delhi High Court and on, the website of Official Liquidator attached to the High Court. All the fixed depositors / bond holders whose claims stand admitted are requested to submit the following documents at the place of work of the disbursement Committee to enable the Committee to disburse the amount:
Original Fixed Deposit Receipt / Bond duly discharged (In case FD Receipt / Bond has already been submitted, please attach proof of submission)
Proof of identity in the shape of copy of Voter ID Card / PAN Card / Passport
Bank account details:All those fixed depositors / bond holders whose claims were found deficient / rejected are requested to remove the deficiencies to enable the Committee to scrutinize their claims.
Place: New Delhi Dated: 28-04-2011
Sd/-Chairman CRB Capital Markets Ltd. Disbursement Committee

3) Escorts Finance Ltd.:
Hon’ble High Court, Delhi directs Escorts Finance Ltd. for repayment of deposits under Hardship CasesThe Hon’ble High Court, Delhi had constituted a Hardship Committee to settle payments to fixed deposit holders who are facing hardship such as medical, marriage, education and others. On 24th May, 2010 the High Court has directed the Hardship Committee to offer maturity value of fixed deposit amount as stated in the face of fixed deposit receipt in full and final settlement of the fixed deposit liability of the company towards the FD Holders. As per the Annual Report of Escorts Finance Ltd. for the year 2009-10, Hardship Committee had sent letters to all FD Holders on 7th June, 2010 and also reminder letter on 20th July, 2010. Till date Hardship Committee has received the request from large number of FD Holders for payment and on that basis payment is being released to the said FD Holders.Investor Helpline has taken up the issue for repayment in hardship cases with Escorts Finance Ltd. Those depositors who are facing hardship may file their grievances, along with the details of the hardship, with Investor Helpline for taking up the issue of refund of matured deposits.

4) Jayant Vitamins Limited:
We have received letter dated 23.01.2011 from the company stating that at present shares are de-listed and the company has been referred to BIFR for revival. The Manufacturing unit is at stand still since 1997 hence the debentures allotments are not being issued. The shares are also de-listed. Further Letter says as and when the company starts functioning, company will inform.

5) Videocon Industries Limited:
We have received letter dated 24.01.2011 from MCS Limited, RTA of Videocon Industries Limited stating that:Hon’ble Court of Judicature at Mumbai has sanctioned the scheme of Amalgamation of EKL Appliances Limited with Videocon Industries Limited (“Scheme”) on June 30th, 2006 pursuant to the scheme, the Company has allotted one fully paid Equity share of Videocon Industries Limited for every twenty seven thousand six hundred nineteen fully paid Equity shares held in EKL Appliances Limited. The payment order towards sale value of fractional entitlement, wherever applicable, will be sent separately. Letter further states that : It may be noted that the Physical Share Certificate of Videocon Industries Limited are being issued without calling back the old Share Certificate of EKL Appliances Limited as such the old Share Certificates stand cancelled.

Company has intimated Investor Helpline vide its letter dated 27.12.2010 that the Company is under rehabilitation as per the scheme sanctioned by BIFR order dated 127/1998 dated 22.04.2010.

7) Unicorn Organics Limited:
Karvy Computershare Pvt. Ltd; RTA of the company has sent a copy of letter dated 25.01.2005 addressed to Mumbai and Hyderabad Stock Exchange stating that; Hon’ble High Court of Mumbai has appointed Official Receiver on behalf of ICICI. The Net worth of the company has completely eroded and referred to BIFR. All the working staff Members have resigned and as on date there is nom employee in the Company. The company has stalled all its operations for last 5 years. The company is not able to provide information from time to time.

8) ICICI Bank Limited:
Dear Investor,ICICI Limited had issued the unsecured, redeemable bonds, in the nature of promissory notes, under the title ICICI Bonds 19996 in July 1996 as per Prospectus dated 24th April, 1996. The said bonds, being negotiable instruments, were transferable by endorsement and delivery in the hands of transferor/s. Option for early redemption on July 15, 2001 was provided, both to the Bondholders as well as the Issuer and a right to exercise the option of early redemption by the Bondholder(s) or the company and the same was also specified in the Bond Certificates dated July 15, 2001 issued to the investors.Pursuant to the above right, ICICI Limited decided to exercise the early redemption option due on July 15, 2001.“ICICI Limited issued a Notice for exercising early redemption in the name of the sole/first holders at the address registered on record; vide its letter dated January 12, 2001. It also published Notices in the newspapers as per the said Prospectus. It was specified in the said Prospectus, that all notices to the Bondholders to be given by the Company or the Trustees shall be deemed to have been given, if published in one English and one regional language daily newspaper in the cities as specified therein. In view of the notices published as aforesaid, erstwhile ICICI Limited was under no obligation to individually intimate all the bondholders about the same.”As per Section 205C of Companies Act, 1956, any matured deposit which remains unclaimed for a period of seven years from the date they become due for payment shall be transferred to Investor Education and Protection Fund. Accordingly, towards discharge of its legal obligations, ICICI Bank Limited, on expiry of seven years from due date of payment has already transferred such unclaimed amount to IEPF. It is further stated any amount once transferred to IEPF cannot be claimed back by the investor.

9) City Limouzines (India) Limited:
Registrar of Companies, Mumbai has intimated us that City Limouzines (India) Limited has gone into Liquidation (Prov.) vide High Court order dated 08.10.2010. Investors may contact Official liquidator, High Court, Mumbai at Bank of India Building, 5th Floor, M.G. Road, Fort, Mumbai – 400023.

Acetylene & Industrial Gas Cylinders Limited:
Registrar of Companies, Tamil Nadu, Chennai & Andaman & Nicobar Islands has informed Investor Helpline vide its letter dated 20-11-2008 that the company Acetylene & Industrial Gas Cylinders Limited has applied under Simplified Exit Scheme-2005 for Striking Off its name u/s 560 of the Companies Act, 1956 and the company has been stuck off on 31-12-2005 under section 560 of the Act under the scheme and Gazette Published on 24-02-2007.

10) SVPCL Limited:
Investor Helpline had written for expeditious refund to applicants of SVPCL Limited and we have received a letter from the Registrar and Transfer Agent ie. Aarthi Consultants Pvt. Ltd., of the SVPCL Limited dated 17.10.2008, informing that:
1) The Hon'ble Supreme court had dismissed the appeal filed by the issuer Company on 20th August 2008, upon hearing the counsel for the parties at length.
2) Pursuant to the orders of Supreme Court, M/s. BOB Capital Markets Ltd and Standard Chartered-STCI Capital Markets Ltd., (Lead Managers to the Issue) advised the issuer Company to refund the application money along with interest to all the applicants concerned.
3) We have computed the interest @15% p.a. and requested SVPCL Limited to deposit the interest amount in the Refund Account maintained with HDFC Bank Ltd.
4) SVPCL Limited is making efforts for depositing the interest amount. On receiving the necessary instructions from the Lead Managers, Registrar and Transfer agent will take up the dispatch of Refund orders.
On May 27, 2008, a news item had appeared in connection with the aforesaid IPO in various newspapers mainly The Financial Express (website), The Economic Times, The Hindu Business Line etc. The news item reported that Hon’ble Supreme Court has stayed the order of SEBI asking SVPCL to refund the application moneys with interest to all the investors who had applied for its IPO in October last year. From the record of proceedings dated May 26, 2008 as available on the website of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, it appears that a civil appeal no.4129/2008 was filed by SVPCL vs. BSE & Ors. with application for ex-parte stay. On May 26, 2008 this appeal was called on for hearing before the vacation bench Hon’ble Mr. Justice C K Thakker and Hon’ble Mr. Lokeshwar Singh Pant. Upon hearing the counsel, the court made the following order: “Issue notice returnable after summer vacation.” A copy of the order is enclosed with this Press Release. From the said order it would be observed that there is no stay order. SEBI is yet to be served with copy of the said appeal.In this context, it may be mentioned that, Hon’ble Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) vide its order dated May 9, 2008 rejected appeal of SVPCL against decision of BSE refusing listing permission to SVPCL. Pursuant to the receipt of the said order, SEBI vide letter dated May 21, 2008, inter alia, advised the Merchant Banker to forthwith refund the application money along with applicable interest in terms of section 73 (2) of the Companies Act. SEBI also separately advised SVPCL vide letter dated May 21, 2008 to fund the Refund Account for the interest amount due and extend full co-operation to intermediaries to enable them to refund the money to the investors /applicants. There is no stay against SEBI letter/s dated May 21, 2008 as reported in various news items as referred above. MumbaiMay 29, 2008

11) Anubhav group of companies:
The Hon’ble Madras High Court has extended the date for filing of claims by investors in Anubhav group of companies. Now, the claims should be lodged before April 21, 2008 with Shri M.Ravindran, Senior Advocate & the Administrator, at Anubhav Group of Companies, G-131, Basement, Anna Nagar East, Chennai-600102.The investors can also contact him at or at phone no- 044- 30526763.The original certificate alongwith Form 66 of The Companies (Court) Rules, 1959 formed under The Companies Act, 1956 has to be filed by the investor. Form 66 has to be attested by a local lawyer.
Reportedly, Anubhav group comprises of: Anubhav Plantations, Anubhav Micro Irrigation Systems Ltd., Anubhav Hire Purchase Ltd., Anubhav Communications & Advertisements (P) Ltd., Anubhav Resorts Ltd., and Anubhav Foundations (P) Ltd.In addition, there are 254 finance firms- namely 95 firms of Anubhav Finance Investments, 169 firms of Anubhav Dhan Varsha and one firm of Anubhav Agro & Housing Developers.Anubhav Plantations has six companies- Anubhav Agro 1500, Anubhav Teak Deposit, Anubhav Old Land Scheme, Anubhav Good Earth Unit I, Anubhav New Land Scheme and Anubhav Good Earth Unit II. Anubhav Homes Ltd., Anubhav India Ltd.Earlier, nearly Rs. 45 crore was disbursed to about 30,000 investors who had filed their claims. Now, the High Court is considering further payments out of the funds available and has condoned the delay in filing of claims by the investors by giving them another opportunity.We have informed the Anubhav group investors, through e-mail, who have lodged their grievances on our portal regarding the Hon’ble High Court’s order.

12) Haritha Plantations (India) Limited:
The Hon’ble Kerala High Court vide its order dated 13th November, 2008, had invited claims from investors of Haritha Plantations (India) Ltd. Claims should be lodged before 31 December, 2008 with:
Official Liquidator, High Court of Kerala, Company Law Bhavan, 3rd Floor, B.M.C. Road, Thrikkakkara, Cochin- 682021.

13) I.F.B. Finance Ltd.:
We have received a letter dated 03.12.2009 from Dy. Official Liquidator, High Court, Calcutta, stating that I.F.B. Finance was directed to be wound up and the Official Liquidator, High Court, Calcutta was appointed Liquidator thereof. Funds of the above named company have not yet been recovered. However, steps will be taken for settlement of claim of creditors, claims will be invited through newspapers as and when funds are available with the Official Liquidator.
Government of India Ministry of Corporate Affairs Office of the Office Liquidator, High Court, Calcutta 9, Old Post Office Street, 5th Floor, Kolkata-700 001
No. OL 1447/5/1/2/4097/6
To Aarti Jain, C.P. No. 102 of 2000 Additional Director-IH, Investor Helpline, C/o Midas Touch Investors Association, Pearey Lal Bhawan, In the matter of : IFB Finance Limited (In Liquidation)2 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110002.
With reference to your letter No.- dated 12/10/2009 I am to state that by orders dated 11.12.2001 passed by the Hon’ble High Court, Calcutta the above named company was directed to be wound up and the Official Liquidator attached to the said Hon’ble Court was appointed Liquidator thereof.
It may also be stated that funds of the above named company (In Liquidation) have not yet been recovered and question of any payment to any creditor does not arise at this stage.
However, stops will be taken for settlement of claim of creditors in accordance with law by way of inviting claim from the creditors through Newspapers as and when funds are available with the official Liquidator.
Yours Faithfully
Dy. Official Liquidator, High Court, Calcutta.

14) Prakrati Synthetics Limited:
The Hon’ble Allahabad High Court vide its order dated 21 October, 2008, had invited claims from investors of Prakriti Synthetics Limited. Claims should be with Official Liquidator, U.P. & Uttrakhand, Allahabad High Court, 33, Tashkand Marg, Civil Lines,Allahabad- 211002

15) Prudential Capital Markets Limited:
We have received a copy of letter dated 23.12.2009 from Dy. Official Liquidator, High Court, Calcutta, stating that Prudential Capital Markets Limited was ordered to be wound up and the Official Liquidator, High Court, Calcutta was appointed Liquidator thereof. Assets & properties of the company have not yet been sold and thus amount have not been realized. As and when sufficient funds become available with the Official Liquidator, claims will be invited through newspapers.
Government of India Ministry of Corporate Affairs Office of the Official Liquidator High Court, Calcutta, 9, Old Post Office Street, 5th Floor, Kolkata-700 001
No. OL-1453/2(CF)/1/4374/G Dated 23/12/2009
To Midas Touch Investors Association Pearey Lal Bhawan, 2, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi – 110002
Subject C. P. No. 217 of 2001.
In the matter of: Prudential Capital Markets Limited. (In Liquidation)
With reference to your letter dated 11th December, 2009 regarding claim for repayment of deposits(s) of your client it is informed that above named company (In Liquidation), ordered to be wound up under order dated 5th December, 2001 of the Hon’ble Court, Calcutta, and the assets & properties of the subject company (In Liquidation) have not yet been sold and thus amount have not been realized by this office. Hence, at present fund is not available for the purpose. As and when sufficient fund become available, claim would be invited by this office through Newspaper advertisement in due course of liquidation proceeding.
In view of the above, you are requested to file your proof of debt to this office by way of an affidavit duly affirmed in Form No. 66 of the Companies (Court) Rules; 1959 along with copies of supporting documents or relevant papers as required by law as and when called for.
Yours faithfully,
Dy. Official Liquidator High Court, Calcutta.

NHPC IPO was oversubscribed by 23.61 times. The basis of allocation is represented in the table below:-
Issue Dates: 7-8-2009 to 12-8-2009
Issue Price Rs. 36/-
Oversubscription Figures:
HNI : 54.749916 x
RETAIL : 3.679735 x
Basis of allocation under Retail:
No. of Shares applied for
No. of Shares allocated
Applications for 700 – 2625 shares have been given firm allotment by dividing the applied quantity by the number of times the issue was over-subscribed. In the case of NHPC it was 3.68. So, if you applied for 700 shares you will get 700 / 3.68 = 190 shares, similarly for higher subscriptions. FIRM signifies anybody who applied for the applicable no of shares will definitely be allocated without any lottery.
For applications from 175-525 allocation is done on lottery basis- eg 14:51 means out of every 51 applications only 14 will be allocated shares based on lottery.
For more information on this you may log on to

17) Nova Udyog Limited:
UP Stock Exchange in reply to a grievance forwarded by Investor Helpline has intimated (vide copy of letter dated 6.07.07 of Registrar of Companies NCT of Delhi & Haryana) us that M/s Nova Udyog Limited has been wound up on 14-09-2001 by Hon’ble High Court of Delhi. All complaints may please be pursued with Official Liquidator, Delhi at:A-2, W-2, Curzon Road Barracks, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi- 110 001.

18) Alsa Marine and Harvests Limited:
Alsa Marine & Harvest Limited has vide its letter dated July 17, 2007 intimated Investor Helpline that the company has been declared a sick company in 2001 and that it has not declared any dividend since 1997.

19) Lakshmi Synthetics Machinery Manufacturers Limited :
Registrar of Companies, Tamilnadu, in response to a grievance forwarded by has intimated us that the company has been ordered to be wound up by Hon’ble High Court of Madras by an order dated 09.09.2004 in C.P. No. 215/ 2003.

20) Kiran Overseas Exports Limited:
Registrar of Companies, Chennai has in response to grievance forwarded by, intimated us that the company has been ordered to be wound up by the orders of Hon’ble High Court of Chennai. Official Liquidator of the company can be contacted at:Official Liquidator Ministry of Company Affairs 1st Floor, Esplanade, Chennai- 600 108

21) Gangadharam Appliances Limited :
Gangadharam Appliances Limited has intimated Investor Helpline through its letter dated July 10, 2007 that the company has been declared a sick company as on 31.03.1998 and has been registered with BIFR at case no. 279/98.Since the company continues to be sick, no dividend has been declared from the year 1999 onwards.

22) Concert Spices and Exports Limited:
Registrar of Companies, Kerala & Lakshdweep, has in response to grievance forwarded by has intimated us that the company has been ordered to be wound up by the Hon’ble High Court of Kerala. Persons aggrieved may contact the official liquidator, High Court of Kerala, Company Law Bhawan, 3rd Floor, Thikkakara, P.O. Kochi-682 021 for further information

23) C.V. Steels Limited:
Official Liquidator, High Court, Rajasthan has intimated us that C.V. Steels Limited was directed to be wound up vide order dated 19.07.2002 and the Official Liquidator was appointed. Funds of the above named company have not yet been recovered. The Official Liquidator has informed us that steps will be taken for settlement of claim of creditors; claims will be invited through newspapers as and when funds are available with the Official Liquidator. Investors can claim in Form No. 66 at the time of invitation by the Official Liquidator.

24) Western Orissa Sugar Limited:
Office of the Official Liquidator, High Court of Orissa has in response to grievance forwarded by intimated us (vide copy of letter dated 29.09.2009) that the company has been put under liquidation by the Hon’ble High Court of Orissa vide order no. 09 dated 11.11.2005 and the claims will be invited once the sale process is completed. You may contact the Official Liquidator at the following address:-
Office of the Official Liquidator, Orissa High Court, Chalachitra Bhawan, 2nd Floor, Buxi Bazar, Cuttack-753001 Ph.No. 0671-2304959, 2303982
No. OL.101(1)/2009/307 Dated: 29th September,2009 COPET NO.23 OF 2003
Midas Touch Investors Association Pearey Lal Bhawan, 2, Bahadurshah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110002.
Subject: Grievance ID D-99JB5802-NBP dated 19.09.2009- Western Orissa Sugar Limited (In liquidation).
With reference to the above, it is intimated that the captioned company is under liquidation. The part of the assets of the company have been disposed off and rest are under process. After completion of sale process of all the assets and properties, the invitation of claim will be advertised in leading newspapers subject to the Order of the Hon’ble High Court of Orissa. As and when the claim will be invited, the claim of the applicant will be considered at that time.
This is for your kind information.
Yours faithfully,
(U.K.Sahoo) Official Liquidator Orissa High Court, Cuttack

25) Uniworth Limited:
Uniworth Limited has intimated Investor Helpline, through its letter dated July 29, 2009 that the company has been making losses since 1998-99 and has been declared as a Sick Industrial Company in terms of sec 3(1) (A) of the SIC(Special provision)Act, 1985 by an order dated 31.01.06. Accordingly, any payments, will be made in accordance with the terms and conditions to be finalized through the BIFR. Presently they are not in position to pay any amount towards Debenture Redemption, until the Restructuring exercise is complete.
Dear Investor,
Sub: Midas Touch Investros Assocition, Grievance ID D-97GC1844-KKB Re: Non receipt of Debenture Redemption / Interest
We refer to your above referred Complaint, vide your letter dated 20.07.2009.
In this context, we would like inform you the company has been making losses since 1988-1999 and has been subsequently declared as a Sick Industrial Company in terms of Section 3(1) (A) of the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provision) Act, 1985 by an order dated 30.01.2006 of the board for Industrial and financial Reconstruction. Accordingly, any payments, on this account, if any, will be made in accordance with the terms and conditions to be finalized through the BIFR.
Under the circumstances, we are presently not in a position to pay any amount towards Debenture Redemption, until the Restructuring exercise is complete.
We do hope that under these difficult circumstances we have been able to clarify the position to your satisfaction.
Thanking you
Yours Faithfully
For Uniworth Limited
Authorised Signatory

26) Electrex (India) Limited :
Electrex (India) Limited has, vide its letter June 02, 2007, intimated Investor Helpline that it has been declared a sick company by BIFR and all efforts are being made to revive the company.

27) EBF Finance Limited :
Office of the Official Liquidator, High Court of Andhra Pradesh has in response to grievance forwarded by, intimated us (vide copy of letter dated 25.06.09) that the company has been wound up by the Hon’ble High Court of Andhra Pradesh on 25.10.1999 made in CP.No. 7/1996.
Midas Touch Investors Association,Pearey Lal Bhawan, 2, Bahadurshah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110 002
Sub:- Investor’s Complaints – M/S. EBF Finance Ltd.- Regarding
With reference to the subject cited , I am to state that by an order dated 25.10.1999 made in CP.No. 7/1996, the Hon’ble High Court of Andhra Pradesh directed the winding up of M/S. EBF Finance Ltd., and appointed the Official Liquidator as its Liquidator.
As the subject company did not possess any landed properties, the official liquidator had taken possession of only movable assets (furniture) of the company and realized a sum of Rs.26000/- only. Since the sums realized were insufficient, this office had not invited any claims from the creditors of the company. Further, an application had been filed by this office before the Hon’ble High Court of Andhra Pradesh under Section 543 of the Act against Ex-Directors of the Company for misappropriation of the funds of the company and the same is pending for disposal before the Hon’ble High Court of Andhra Pradesh.
In view of the above, your complaint is premature. As and when sufficient funds are realized in the captioned company, this office will publish a notice in Form No.60 inviting claims from the creditors advising the claimants to file their claims if any against the company, at that time you may lodge your claim with this office and the same shall be settled in accordance with law.
This is for your information.
Yours faithfully,

28) East West Travel and Trade Link limited :
Office of the Regional Director, Western Region has informed Investor Helpline vide its letter dated 24-02-2009 that the company has gone into liquidation and Official Liquidator, Mumbai has been appointed as Provisional Liquidator. The address of Liquidator is: Official Liquidator,High Court Mumbai, Bank of India Building, 5th Floor, M.G. Road, Mumbai-400023.

29) Andhra Cements Limited :
Andhra Cements Limited vide its letter dated Jun 02, 2007 has informed Investor Helpline that it is working under a rehabilitation scheme sanctioned by the Hon’ble BIFR by its order dated 16.06.1994. In pursuance to the BIFR Review meeting held on Feb. 12, 2001 in Hyderabad, the company initiated an OTS Scheme in early March 2001, which is still continuing. As per the scheme the debenture holders have following two options:a)to accept debenture principal amount payable within a short period by foregoing all unpaid interest till date. b)to accept repayment of principal & interest as per the BIFR Scheme presently under revision / modification.Option b) can be exercised only after the scheme is finally revised / modified by BIFR.

30) Morepen Laboratories Ltd:
The scheme of arrangement or compromise arrived at between the company and its fixed deposit holders. As agreed by the fixed deposit holders in their meeting dated 20.11.2008 and according to the order of the High Court of Himachal Pradesh dated 04.08.2009 equity shares shall be issued and allotted to the Fixed Deposit holders in settlement of their dues, on preferential basis as under:
75% of the outstanding principal amount of Fixed Deposits (Settlement Account) to be paid by issuing such number of equity shares of the company as may be necessary to satisfy its obligations for allotment of equity shares. Any fractional entitlement will be rounded off to the next integer. The equity shares would be issued at a price calculated as per the SEBI formula, in accordance with SEBI [Discloser and Investor Protection] Guidelines, 2000.
Waiver of 25% of the outstanding principal amount of the Fixed Deposits.
Waiver of the entire interest due and / or accrued on the principal amount of Fixed Deposits.
The Board of Directors of the company, at its meeting held on 15th May 2008 approving the present scheme has fixed the record date as on 30th June 2008.

31) India Polyfibres Limited :
India Polyfibres Limited has intimated Investor Helpline vide its letter dated may 15, 2007 that the company has merged with Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Limited (IPCL) on September 27, 2006. Further, the company has informed that earlier pursuant to an order of the BIFR dated July 3, 1999 it has reduced the paid up equity share capital by 80%. Consequently, in lieu of old shares, new shares in the ratio of 1 fully paid up share of Rs. 10 for every five shares of Rs. 10 each have bens issued. The ratio of merger is 28:1 i. e for every 28 shares of India Polyfibres Limited held one share of IPCL is allotted.

SIL Business Enterprises Limited (formerly Snowcem India Limited) :
SIL Business Enterprises Limited has intimated Investor Helpline, through its letter dated February 28, 2007 that the company has been declared a sick company under the Sick Industrial Companies (Special provisions) Act, 1985 and will start repaying its creditors once the scheme for settlement of dues is accepted and approved by BIFR.

32) Duncans Industries Limited:
Duncans Industries Limited has intimated Investor Helpline, through its letter dated February 6, 2007,that the company is registered with BIFR vide reference no.70/2006,who will determine the ameliorative measures for the rehabilitation of the company including recommencement of the fertilizers operations and schedule for payment of dues of the deposit holders.

Tata Construction and Projects Limited:
Investor Helpline has received a letter dated December 7, 2006 from the office of official liquidator, High Court, Calcutta stating that Tata Construction & Projects Limited (the company) has gone into liquidation in line with the terms of the order dated April 21, 2003 of the Hon’ble High Court of Calcutta.

33) DCM Financial Services Limited:
DCM Financial Services Limited
March 3, 2009
Dear Investor,
We are in receipt of your letter through “Midas Touch Investor Association” through reference no. I92KA3401-LGP regarding repayment of fixed deposits receipt number 72275.
We would like to thank you for your patience and support in these testing time. As you are aware that there have delays in the repayment of your deposits and debentures due to continued liquidity crunch. As you are aware that Company has initiated the process of restructuring of the entire debt profile of the company to bring an order and system into the matter of repayment of deposits and debentures.
As per directions of the court a fresh scheme under section 391 of the companies Act has been submitted before the Hon’ble Delhi High Court and the same has been admitted for a just and equitable distribution of fixed deposits and debentures repayment.
The unsecured creditors and Debenture Holders have already approved the scheme with an overwhelming majority while negotiations are going on with Banks and Financial Institutions.
We do sincerely hope that once the scheme is approved by the Hon’ble Delhi High Court, the element of uncertainty would be eliminated and we would be able to make repayment in a timely and orderly manner to all our investors across the length and breadth of the country & the next date of hearing is on 09th April 2009.
We once again thank you for all your co-operation & believe that with your support we shall overcome this fund-flow mismatch problem.
Thanking you,
Yours truly,
For DCM Financial Services Limited
Sr. Executive Customer Care.

34) Escorts Finance Limited:
Escorts Finance Limited has intimated Investor Helpline, through its letter dated December 18, 2006, that Hon’ble High Court of Delhi in Company Petition No. 35 of 2006 has appointed a Special Committee to find the necessary mandate for paying its creditors / F.D. Depositors / Bill Discounting scheme. The Committee is chaired by Hon’ble Justice R.C. Chopra (Retd.). The letter further states that the process of finding requisite mandate for effecting payment as per the scheme of Escorts Finance Limited stands completed by the committee and Escorts Finance Limited would be paying all its creditors / as per the decision of the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi. EFL/FDNOTICE/260708/45
Midas Touch Investors Association, Pearey Lal Bhawan, 2, Bahadurshah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110 002
Sub: Your Letter/Notice dated 25.04.2008 (Grievance No.I-840D5225-TRV)
Dear Sir/Madam,
The Company has filed a scheme before the Hon’ble High court of Delhi for arriving at Compromise with secured creditors and Fixed deposits holders. We are happy to inform you that the said scheme has been approved by requisite majority of the affected classes, whose meeting were ordered by the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi.
The scheme is pending sanction, at the stage of Final argument, before the Ho’ble Delhi High Court, As an interim measure, the High Court has vide its order dated 19.10.2006 read with order dated 18.12.2008 appointed a Committee to look into the grievances of fixed deposits holders.The said Committee has examined several such grievances and has already paid a sum of Rs.2.70 crores to 1156 depositors till date.
We would like to clarify that as such a committee has been appointed by the Hon’ble Delhi High Court, it is no longer open to the Company to make any direct payments to any deposit holder and the same have to be made only through the medium of the said Committee.
You are therefore advised to approach the said Committee and forward your claim of hardship to it for payment. The address of the said committee is as follows:-
Mr. J.K. Seth, Chairman of Hardship Committee, Constituted by Hon’ble High Court of Delhi, C/o Escorts Limited 11, Scindia House, Connaught Circus, New Delhi-110001
Without prejudice, this is for your kind information.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully, For Escorts Finance Limited
Manager/Authorised Signatory

35) Dee Pharma Limited:
Dee Pharma Limited informed Investor Helpline, through its letter dated January 15, 2007, that the company has wound-up by the Hon'ble High Court of Delhi in Company Petition No. 211 of 2000 vide its order dated 28-07-2004 and has further appointed the official liquidator to take over the assets of the company.
M/S Dee Pharma limited is now under Liquidation under the control and supervision of the official liquidatior, all letters/correspondence/claims etc. addressed to its registered office hereafter be sent to the office of the official liquidator as mentioned herein below:-
The Official Liquidator A-2, W-2, Curzon Road Barrack Kasturba Gandhi Marg New Delhi

36) Paam Pharmaceuticals (Delhi) Limited: /p>
Uttar Pradesh Stock Exchange Association Ltd. has informed Investor Helpline, through its letter dated January 9, 2007, That in the year 2003, the Paam Pharmaceuticals informed them that it was declared sick and the order for winding up was issued.
The Company is now under Liquidation under the control and supervision of the official liquidator, all letters/correspondence/claims etc. addressed to its registered office hereafter be sent to the office of the official liquidator as mentioned herein below:- /p>
The Official Liquidator AA-2, W-2, Curzon Road BarrackKasturba Gandhi Marg New Delhi

37) Punjab National Fertilizers and Chemical Limited:
Registrar of Companies, Punjab, H.P. & Chandigarh has in response to grievance forwarded by, intimated us vide its letter dated 27-08-2008 that the company has gone into liquidation. Official Liquidator of the company can be contacted at: Official Liquidator, Attached to Punjab & Haryana High Court SCO-9 Sector 26, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh

38) Khatau Maknji Spinning & Weaving Company Ltd:
Khatau Maknji Spinning & Weaving Company Ltd informed Investor Helpline, through its letter dated January 22, 2007, that the company is now ready to pay the principal amount of Fixed Deposit as envisaged in the package submitted to the Hon’ble BIFR. On receipt of Fixed Deposits they will make the payment within 15 days time.
Khatau Maknji Spinning & Weaving Ltd has intimated Investor Helpline, through its letter dated January 01, 2007, that the company is a sick industrial unit under the SICA Act, 1985 & Its all business activities are at standstill since April, 1997. The refrence of the revised rehabilitation scheme of the sick compay is still pending for sanction before the Hon’ble BIFR. At present the company is not able to act upon. However, the company awaits firm guidelines from the Hon'ble BIFR towards payment of the secured & unsecured creditors.

39) Devidayal Industries Limited:
The company has informed Investor Helpline, That their company is suffering losses since 1993, And The Hon'ble Mumbai High Court has declared the company a sick unit in an order dated 21/09/2006, Company is now under the scanner of B.I.F.R and A.I.F.R. Hence company is not in condition to pay dividend to its shareholders.

Lloyds Finance Limited has informed Investor Helpline vide its letter dated February 21, 2007 that the Special Committee has now taken up the task to make repayments to the investors who have invested the amount upto Rs. 10,000/-. The payment to the depositors in this category is being released accordingly.
The special committee, appointed by the Hon’ble Bombay High Court to look into affairs of Llyods Finance Ltd., has taken up the task to make repayments of deposit holders. In the first phase, company has made payments for claims lodged upto Rs. 5,000. The committee is in the process of considering claims upto Rs. 10,000 and it will frame future schemes after dealing with these claims.
The Special Committee will also take steps to recover the outstanding debts receivable by the Company from its borrowers or debtors and make repayment to the depositors. Justice A.B.Palkar, Retd. Judge of High Court, Bombay is the Chairman of the special committee. Shri S.C.Malhotra and Shri P.K.Bansal, Retd. D.G. of Police of Maharashtra and Gujarat respectively, are the other two members of the special committee. This information was given by the company to in response to the investors’ grievances forwarded by it (Midas Touch Investors Association) to Llyods Finance Ltd.
Midas Touch Investors Association was also informed that schemes framed so far or to be framed in future would be for payment of principal amount or a part thereof and presently there is no scheme for payment of interest. Future schemes will be framed by the committee only after the existing schemes framed and sanctioned by the Hon’ble High Court of Bombay are implemented and sufficient funds are at hand or likely to be received out of settlements with the debtors of the company.

The Committee of Management appointed by High Court of Karnataka for Kirloskar Investments & Finance Ltd. has intimated Midas Touch Investors Association that the balance payments of depositors will be taken up by the Committee as soon as the liquidity position of the company improves. This has been stated by the company in a written response to investors grievances forwarded by Midas Touch Investors Association received through its portal . An amount of about Rs. 70.00 crore towards principal is payable by Kirloskar Investments & Finance Ltd. to approximately 50,000 depositors. Nearly 2000 representations of depositors are pending for consideration before the committee which were received by it after November 30, 2004.
The Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka had admitted a winding-up petition filed by the Reserve Bank of India and appointed a Committee of Management, by an order dated August 08, 2001, comprising of Justice K.A.Swami, former Chief Justice of High Court of Madras as Chairman and Dr. K.Sreenivasan, former D.I.G. of Police, Karnataka as member to look after the over all affairs of Kirloskar Investments & Finance Ltd. These include liquidation of securities and formulation of schemes for repayment to depositors after taking into account the liquidity position of the company. Some payments have been made to the depositors since then as per the schemes formulated.

42) Golden Projects Ltd.:
We have received a letter from the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) dated 28.03.2008 stating that SEBI has written to the concerned State Governments to register civil/criminal cases against the company and to the Department of Company affairs to initiate winding up proceedings against the entity.
Apart from the above, SEBI has already initiated prosecution proceedings against the erring entities and their directors, You may refer to SEBI website

We have received a letter dated 30.07.2009 from the Mr. R.N. Aggarwal, Chief Justice (Retd.), Chairman, Committee – GFIL stating that the committee shall make payments to the creditors/depositor on the availability of the funds and as per the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court.
OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN Committee – Golden Forest (India) Limited (Appointed by The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India ) Banglow No. 60, Sector – 4, Chandigarh, Tel: 0172-2740134
COM/CHD/2009/160 30/07/2009
Dear Investor,
Sub: Non receipt of Investment and returns thereon
Your claim has been received and it is entered in the computerized data. The Committee requires at least 2000 Crores of Rupees for payment to the depositor. There are 17 Lacs creditors who have to be paid the money. As soon as sufficient funds are collected the committee shall take steps for payment of the money to the depositors/creditors. This shall be as per the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court. As soon as the funds are available the payments to the creditors/depositor shall start.
R.N. Aggarwal Chief Justice (Retd.) Chairman, Committee – GFIL

44) Haritha Plantations (India) Limited:
The Hon’ble Kerala High Court vide its order dated 13th November, 2008, had invited claims from investors of Haritha Plantations (India) Ltd. Claims should be lodged before 31 December, 2008 with:
Official Liquidator, High Court of Kerala, Company Law Bhavan, 3rd Floor,B.M.C Road Thrikkakara P.O., Kochi-682 021 Tel: 0484-2422889 (O) 0484-2423172 (P) & FAX
Office of the Official Liquidator, Kochi has informed Investor Helpline vide its letter dated 03.06.2009 that the company has invited claims from the creditors/Mangium Unit Certificate holders of the company. The last date for inviting claims had been extended to 28.02.2009 from 31.12.2008. Official Liquidator has received 10,000 claims within the stipulated time and those claims are being settled. If any of the claimants have not submitted their claims on or before 28.02.2009 they may be advised to approach the Hon’ble High Court of Kerala for condonation of delay in filing their claims before the Official Liquidator.
Midas Touch Investors Association Pearey Lal Bhawan, 2 Bahadurshah Zafar Marg, New Delhi – 110 002
Sub: CP 39/01 – M/s. Haritha Plantations (India) Limited-Reg.
Ref : Your letter dated 23.05.2009-Grievance ID. F-95LE2854-GKP
With reference to the above, I have to state that the Hon’ble Hogh Court of Kerala vide order 15.03.2002 in CP 39/01 ordered the company M/s. Haritha Plantation to be wound up and directed the Official Liquidator attached to the Hon’ble High Court of Kerala to take over possession of the assets and effects of the company. In compliance of the order Official Liquidator has take over possession of all assets and effect of the company.
It is further stated that with the direction of the Hon’ble Company Court Official Liquidator has invited claims from the creditors/Mangium Unit Certificate holders of the company. The last date fixed by the Hon’ble Court for accepting the claims was 28.02.2009 and Official Liquidator has received 10,000 claims with in the stipulated time and those claims are being settled.
If the claimants have not submitted their claims on or before 28.02.2009 they may be advised to approach the Hon’ble High Court of Kerala for condonation of delay in filing their claims before the Official Liquidator.
This is for your information.
Yours faithfully
(N. Krishnam Murthy) OFFICIAL LIQUITOR

45) Pennar Paterson Securities Limited :
Hon’ble High Court of Andhra Pradesh has intimated Investor Helpline through its letter dated 12/11/2007 that an Official Liquidator is appointed as Provisional Liquidator for the Pennar Paterson Securities Limited (Order dated 24/11/1999 C.P.No.131/99). Specific directions are provided to Provisional Liquidator to recover the debts and to realize the assets. Further Disbursement is prohibited till further orders by Hon’ble High Court.
Under directions of Hon’ble High Court, all steps are taken to realize the dues from debtors of company in provisional liquidation. When sufficient funds will be realized, Official Liquidator will invite the claims through publication of notice in newspapers, with the permission of Hon’ble High Court of Andhra Pradesh.

46) Mukerian Papers Limited :
Mukerian Papers Limited has intimated Investor Helpline, through its letter dated October 20, 2007 that the company is a sick company and registered with BIFR vide Case No. 386/2001 dated October 20, 2004. Draft Rehabilitation Scheme (DRS) will be submitted to BIFR shortly by company. Payment of Debenture or Interest will be made in accordance with DRS as approved by BIFR.

47) Malanpur Steel Limited :
CB Management Services Private Limited (Registrars of Malanpur Steel Ltd) has intimated Investor Helpline, through its letter dated November 7, 2007 that the name of the company has been changed from Hindusthan Development Corporation ltd to Malanpur Steel Ltd. Company is declares as a sick company by BIFR. Payment of Debenture or Interest to Creditors will be made as approved by BIFR.

48) S&S Industries and Enterprises Limited:
S&S Industries and Enterprises Limited has intimated Investor Helpline, through its letter dated October 17, 2007 that they are Sick Unit, their case is pending before AAIFR. Their operations will recommence after Rehabilitation Scheme is approved by AAIFR/ BIFR.
Their Repayment Scheme as proposed by CLB is pending for approval by AAIFR.They are exploring possibility of getting revised scheme approved by High Court Of Madras.
Schedule of repayment of Deposits will be known after approval of their Repayment Scheme by AAIFR/BIFR.

49) SSFL Industries Limited:
Registrar of Companies, Punjab, H.P. & Chandigarh has in response to grievance forwarded by Investor Helpline, intimated us vide its letter dated 04-07-2008 that the company has gone into liquidation. Official Liquidator of the company can be contacted at: Official Liquidator, Attached to Punjab & Haryana High Court SCO-9 Sector 26, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh

50) NICCO UCO Alliance Credit Limited:
NICCO UCO Alliance Credit Limited has intimated Investor Helpline, through its letter dated November 11, 2007 that they are repaying fixed deposit amount as per CLB order dated 22/3/2005. Installment payment of fixed deposit upto Mar, 2007 has been paid. Due Installments of fixed deposits since April, 2007 are expected to be cleared by January 2008.
Nicco Uco Alliance Credit has further intimated the following, through its letter dated 10.12.2008 :
Nicco Uco Alliance Credit Ltd Nicco House, 2 Hare Street, 2nd Floor, Kolkata 700 001 Ph. No. (033) 2213-1308
Date: 10.12.2008
To Midas touch Investors association Pearey Lal Bhawan 2, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi – 110 002
Dear Sir/ Madam This has reference to MTIA’s Grievance ID No. I-899B358-TKB dated 19.11.08 in respect of your complaint regarding your fixed deposit in our company vide F.D.R. No. M6010120. We would submit as under:
On realisation that collection from our customers were not adequate to meet the liability of the fixed deposit holder as per CLB order dated 22.03.2005 subsequently modified by order dated 28.06.2007 the company approached Hon’ble High Court, Calcutta with a scheme formulated under section 391 & 394 of the companies Act 1956 in December 2007.
Please note that the application of the company before the Hon’ble High Court at Calcutta for approval of the Scheme of Arrangement and Compromise with the fixed Deposit Holders Under Section 391 and 393 of the Companies Act, 1956 is now in final stage of sanction, and once approval thereof, you will be allotted equity share of the company having face value of Rs. 2/- each at a price to be arrived at as per SEBI Guidelines for preferential allotment of shares in lieu of the arrear principal amount in respect of your fixed deposit amount in full and final satisfaction of all his claims and dues including interest accrued thereon.
Meanwhile kindly note that Hon’ble High Court has given an order that till such time the Scheme is pending before Hon’ble High Court for sanction an order of injunction shall be in force restraining any fixed deposit holders of the company to initiate legal proceeding against the company.
Yours faithfully For Nicco Uco Alliance Credit Ltd.
Authorised Signatory

51) Sahara Housingfina Corporation Limited:
Sahara Housingfina Corporation Limited (formerly, Livewell Home Finance Limited) has intimated Midas Touch Investor Association through its letter dated October 29,2007 that Sahara Housingfina Corporation Limited is a Housing Finance Company (HFC) regulated by National Housing Bank (NHB) and as per NHB guidelines, Company is not permitted to accept any deposit from public.

52) Optel Telecommunications Limited:
Optel Telecommunications Limited has intimated Midas Touch Investor Association through its letter dated January 18,2008 that it has been declared as a Sick Industrial Company under Sick Industrial Companies Act. As per BIFR orders dated January 10, 2008 company’s prima-facie opinion is confirmed and company would be just equitable and company will wound up. Case if further forwarded to High Court for further necessary action in accordance with law.

53) Modi Tele Fibres Limited:
Modi Tele Fibres Limited has intimated Midas Touch Investor Association through its letter dated January 5,2008 that company is presently under Liquidation.

54) Sanmac Motor Finance Limited:
Sanmac Motor Finance Limited has intimated Midas Touch Investor Association through its letter dated September 22, 2007 that Company was wound up on June 18, 2001. Company was again revived on October 27, 2006 via order of Madras High Court of Madras. As per Order of High Court of Madras 40% of unpaid Dividend is to be paid to investors for financial year 1996-97.

55) Western Paques (India) Ltd:
Hon’ble High Court of Mumbai has intimated Investor Helpline through its letter dated September 14, 2007 that an Official Liquidator is appointed as a Liquidator for the Western Paques (India) Ltd(Order dated 7/8/1997 C.P.No.434 of 1997).
Official Liquidator will invite the claims through publication of notice in newspapers.

56) Krest Finlease Limited:
UB Group has informed Midas Touch Investor Association vide its letter dated August 7, 2007 that company is under Liquidation and Official Liquidator’s address is: The Official LiquidatorHigh Court ChennaiKuralagam, Block- 1, 1 Floor, EsplanadeChennai- 600108

Green Gold Horticulture Ltd:
SEBI has informed Investor Helpline vide its letter dated January 10, 2008 that since Green Gold horticulture Ltd did not comply with statutory requirement and did not comply with directions of SEBI and did not repay to the investors as directed so SEBI has debarred the company, promoters, directors, managers, persons in charge of business of its schemes from operating in the capital market for a period of five years. Further, SEBI has written to State Governments to register civil/ criminal cases against it and SEBI has written to Department of Company affairs to initiate winding up proceedings against the company.

57) Teatex Processing Complex Ltd:
Hon’ble High Court of Kerala has intimated Investor Helpline through its letter dated September 12, 2007 that Teatex Processing Complex Ltd was ordered to be wound up by an order dated 8-12-2005 of Hon’ble high Court of Kerala in C.P. NO.28/95 and an Official Liquidator has been appointed as a Liquidator to take charge of all assets and effects of the company.

58) DSJ Finance Corporation Ltd:
Registrar of Companies, Mumbai has informed vide its letter dated Feb 2, 2007 that the company was ordered to be wound up by the Hon’ble Court of Mumbai and an Official Liquidator has been appointed as a Liquidator of the company. Address of the Liquidator is: The Official LiquidatorHigh Court MumbaiBank of India Building5th Floor, D.N. Road FortMumbai 400001

Compudyne Winfosystems Limited:
Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka has intimated Investor Helpline through its letter dated August 17, 2007 that was ordered to be wound by Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka vide order dated 27-2-2006 and an Official Liquidator has been appointed.
Claims will be invited through publication of notice in newspapers.

59) Paam Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd.:
Registrar of Companies, Rajasthan has informed vide its letter dated Oct 10, 2007 that the company was ordered to be wound up by the Hon’ble High Court of Rajasthan vide order dated 03-12-2004 No 23/01 and an Official Liquidator has been appointed as a Liquidator of the company. Address of the Liquidator is:
The Official Liquidator Attached to the Rajasthan high Court,A-75-A, Rajendra Marg,Bapu Nagar, Jaipur

60) Sudarshan Cement And Multiprojects Ltd:
Registrar of Companies, Rajasthan has informed vide its letter dated Oct 10, 2007 that the company was ordered to be wound up by the Hon’ble High Court of Rajasthan vide order dated 21-02-2003 No 37/96 and an Official Liquidator has been appointed as a Liquidator of the company. Address of the Liquidator is: The Official LiquidatorAttached to the Rajasthan high Court,A-75-A, Rajendra Marg,Bapu Nagar, Jaipur

61) BST Ltd:
Registrar of Companies, Kerala has informed vide its letter dated Jan 9, 2008 that the company was ordered to be wound up by the Hon’ble High Court of Kerala vide order dated 2-11-2007 and an Official Liquidator has been appointed as a Liquidator of the company. Address of the Liquidator is:
The Official Liquidator High Court of Kerala,Company Law Bhavan,3rd floor, ThrikkakaraP.O., Kochi- 682021

62) Choksi Tube Company Ltd:
Registrar of Companies, Gujarat has intimated Investor Helpline through its letter dated January 16, 2008 that Choksi Tube Company Ltd is in Liquidation w.e.f. 11-9-2006 and an Official Liquidator has been appointed. Address of the Liquidator is:
The Official LiquidatorJiwabhai chamberAshram Road Ahmedabad- 380008

63) Indo Maxwell Ltd:
Registrar of Companies, Orissa has intimated Investor Helpline through its letter dated September 27, 2007 that Indo Maxwell Ltd has been put in to Liquidation by Hon’ble High Court of Orissa vide order No.09 dated 24-09-2004 and an Official Liquidator has been appointed. Address of the Liquidator is:
The Official LiquidatorChalachitra Bhawan, 2nd floor,Buxi Bazar, Cuttack- 753001

64) Lakshmi Synthetics Machiney Manufacturers Ltd:
Registrar of Companies, Tamil Nadu has intimated Investor Helpline through its letter dated July 11, 2007 that company has been ordered to be wound by Hon’ble High Court of Madras vide dated 09-09-2004 C.P. No. 215/2003.

65) Alpic Finance Limited:
Registrar of Companies, Maharashtra has intimated Investor Helpline through its letter dated December 11, 2007 that company has gone into Liquidation w.e.f. 02-08-2002 and an Official Liquidator has been appointed. Address of the Liquidator is:
The Official LiquidatorHigh Court MumbaiBank of India Building5th Floor, M.G. RoadMumbai 400023

66) Kuber Mutual Benefit Limited:
The Hon’ble Allahabad High Court vide its order dated 18th July, 2008, had invited claims from investors of Kuber Mutual Benefits Ltd. Claims should be lodged before 31 October, 2008 with:
Shri B.K.L. Srivastava ,Official Liquidator, U.P. & Uttrakhand, Allahabad High Court, 33, Tashkand Marg, Civil Lines, Allahabad- 211002
The investors can also contact him at phone no- 0532- 2624943

67) CRB Capital Markets Limited:
Official Liquidator of CRB Capital Markets Limited In the matter of M/s. CRB Capital Markets Limited C.P. No.191/97 has informed Investor Helpline vide its letter dated May 16, 2008 that :
“With reference to your letter no. nil dated 25.04.2008 on the cited subject and to state that as you are aware that the captioned company was provisionally wound up by the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi vide its letter dated 22.05.1997. The ex management of the company had frame a scheme for rehabilitation of the company and same was passed / approved by the Hon’ble High court of Delhi vide order dated 24.01.2006. As per direction of the Hon’ble High Court in which the revival scheme passed by the appellate court, the possession of the registered office was handed over to the ex-management/ propounder of the company (in provisional Liquidation) and same is in possession of ex-management. However the Reserve Bank of India has opposed the said scheme and same has been decided by division Bench of Hon’ble High Court of Delhi on 29.02.2008.
“Division Bench of Hon’ble High Court by order dated 29-02-2008 requested the Company Court that since the matter has remained pending before the Company Court for a long time and the same involves payments to a very large number of depositors, some of whom are senior citizens, women and people who suffer from physical infirmities, Division Bench of Hon’ble High Court request the Company Court to expedite the disposal of matter and pass final orders on the subject as far as possible within a period of six month from the date the parties appear before him in pursuance of this order.”
Mr. C.R. Bhanshali Propounder of Revival Scheme of CRB Capital Market Limited has informed Investor Helpline vide its letter dated November 11,2008 that:
Propounder of Revival Scheme CRB Capital Markets Limited 13, Panchkuin Road New Delhi–110 001.
M/s Midas Touch Investors Association Pearey Lal Bhawan 2, Bahadur Shah Zafar marg New Delhi – 110 002.
Dear Sir,
Ref: Your letter dated 31/10/08 regarding redressal of 44 Investors
I am in receipt of your above letter. In this connection I wish to inform you as under:
1. That on 24/1/2006 the Ld. Company judge of Delhi High Court Sanctioned the revival scheme of M/s. CRB Capital Markets Ltd with certain modifications so as to make the payment to its creditors in 4 years from the effective date.
2. Aggrieved by the said order, Reserve Bank of India, SEBI & two other creditors’ viz. GIIC & Malanpur Steels Ltd. filed four company appeals before Hon’ble Division Bench of Delhi High Court.
3. The appeal filed by the RBI was listed before Hon’ble Division Bench of Delhi High Court on 14/2/2006 thereby Hon’ble Division Bench Issued notice but declined to grant any interim stay.
4. Aggrieved by the said order dated 14/2/2006, Reserve Bank of India moved a special leave petition on 18/2/2006 before Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
5. That on 20/2/2006 upon mentioning, the Hon’ble chief Justice of India was pleased to direct status-quo with regard to the assets of the company and listed the petition on 27/2/2006 before the appropriate Bench.
6. That on 27/02/2006 the Hon’ble Supreme Court disposed of the SLP and continued the status-quo order of 20/2/2006 till the disposal of the appeals before the Hon’ble Division Bench.
7. That on 15/5/2006 the Hon’ble Division Bench of Delhi High Court confirmed the interim order passed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court till the disposal of the appeals.
8. That on 7/12/2007 the RBI submitted before the Hon’ble Division Bench that certain legal questions regarding maintainability of the scheme under section 391 of the Companies Act were not considered by the Ld. Single judge. The Hon’ble Division Bench, However, felt that the said questions were legal and needed consideration of the Hon’ble Single Judge although CRB Capital Markets Ltd. urged before the Hon’ble Division Bench to consider the said question in appeal but the Hon’ble Division Bench felt that it was appropriate to remand the case for consideration of certain legal issues which are not dealt with by the Ld. Single Judge.
9. That on 29/2/2008 the Hon’ble Division Bench of Delhi High Court passed the order and remanded back the entire matter to the company Court for fresh Consideration.
10. Aggrieved by the said order dated 29/2/2008 M/s. CRB Capital Markets Ltd. Moved a Special Leave petition before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India and the matter is pending adjudication.
The next date is fixed for 17/11/08 before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India for appropriate directions. In view of the above it is clear that in the above mentioned circumstances no payment could be made to the depositors as per the scheme sanctioned by the Hon’ble Delhi High Court.
Thanking you
C.R. Bhansali Propounder.

68) English Indian Clays Limited:
English Indian Clays Limited (EICL) made an announcement under the Scheme of Arrangement that the Company had decided to de merge its Investment division into bharat Starch Products Limited. The ex-entitlement date fixed for the purpose was February 13, 2008.
As per the policy approved by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and the practice followed in all such cases of de mergers, the Exchange sought from EICL, a valuation certificate, indicating fair value of its equity shares. EICL submitted vide its letter dated February 8, 2008, a fair value certificate issued by its Merchant Bankers, M/s PNR Securities Limited, indicating post demerger fair value of Rs. 179 per equity share of EICL. The Exchange, as per its well-established practice, relied on the said certificate and duly applied fair value of Rs. 179 per share at 5% price band / Circuit filter for trading in equity shares of EICL with effect from February 13, 2008.
Later, EICL, vide its letter dated February 13, 2008 clarified to the Exchange that the certificate dated February 08, 2008 from the said Merchant Bankers was representing only the Net Assets Value of its share and did not represent fair market value of its shares. The Exchange requested EICL to submit fresh valuation certificate. This matter was also discussed in the SEBI surveillance meetings held on February 18 and 25,EICL,, vide its letter dated February 27, 2008 submitted a fresh valuation certificate issued by its aforesaid Merchant Banker M/s PNR Securities Limited, where fair value of Rs. 1399 per share was given and requested the Exchange to take corrective action.
In view of the above, in the overall interest of the Market and investors and to enable market to arrive at the fair price level in a faster manner, the Exchange reset the circuit filter on trading of EICl’s shares from 5% to 20% effective from March 3, 2008, vide the Exchange’s circular dated February 28, 2008. Further, due process was followed and necessary action was taken by the Exchange. Rest of the contentions are denied in to.

69) Sterling Tree Magnum India (India) Limited:
SEBI vide its letter dated October 30,2008 has intimated Investor Helpline that, it has launched prosecution against the company, its promoters and Directors:
Midas Touch Investors Association Pearey Lal Bhawan, 2, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi – 110 002
October 30, 2008 Dear Sir/Madam
Sub: Sterling Tree Magnum India (India) Limited
This is with reference to your letter dated October 3, 2008 enclosing complaints from investor against the above company.
In this connection, we would like to infirm you that:
The above mentioned company has filed company Application Nos. 407 and 408 of 1999 U/s 391 of Companies Act for compromising with creditors before Hon’ble Madras High Court at Chennai. The Hon’ble Court vide its order dated 27.07.2000, directed the company to circulate Information Memorandum to all the contributors of the scheme. The company has failed and neglected to comply with this direction and supplied the Information Memorandum to only those investors who approached the company about the investment. However, in the light of the interim orders passed by the High court, the Court permission was necessary before initiating any coercive action against the company. Therefore, SEBI has filed an impleadment application and prayed the court to once again direct the company to circulate the Information of Memorandum to all its contributors to circulate the information Memorandum to all its contributors to seek their option. Further, SEBI has filed prosecution against the company before metropolitan Magistrate, Saidapet, and Chennai. SEBI has also filed a case (FIR) before Commissioner of Police (EOW), Chennai, against the promoters and directors of the company.
The Company has filed an application proposing a new scheme of settlement for investor and the Hon’ble High Court has vide its order dated 29.02.2008 granted permission to the company to hold meeting of investor. In this regard, the Hon’ble Court has also appointed Justice K P Sivasubramanian as chairman-cum-Scrutinizer to oversee the meeting of all the investors to obtain approval by inviting postal ballot and also to scrutinize their objection with regards to approval of the scheme received from all the creditors/authorities throughout the country. Further, the company has been directed by the Hon’ble Court to issue an advertisement in all leading newspapers throughout India calling for objection/ approval of the proposed scheme. SEBI had filed its objection before the Chairman. The matter is pending before the Hon’ble High Court, Chennai.
The complaint enclosed with your letter has been forwarded to the company.
Yours Faithfully
Authorised Signatory
Virendra Jain
(Source: Midas Touch Investors Association)
