Trading on futures segment remains unaffected

Trading on Futures Segment remains unaffected.
With stringent surveillance mechanisms in place, the Futures Segment of the Exchange continues to function with the highest transparency and highest integrity in its operation.
SEBI has  issued the following directives for the Futures Segment:-
a.     Reduction in Daily Price Limits (DPL): the DPL for agricultural commodities have been revised with two slabs (initial and enhanced) and will be effective from February 1, 2016.
b.     Reduction in Near month Position Limits:   In case of agricultural commodity derivatives, client level and member level near month position limits have been reduced from the existing 50% to 25% of the overall position limit for that commodity.  The revised near month position limits shall be applicable for all the contracts expiring in month of March-2016 and onwards. 
For the Forwards Segment, SEBI has directed that  Participants shall not be allowed to enter into fresh contracts till further orders. However, the existing contracts shall be allowed to be settled as per the terms of the contracts.
