๐ฒFinance Act Changes applicable from *1/6/16*
๐ดChanges Effective from _June, 2016_
๐Electronic Hearing under Income Tax law enabled
๐Document required to be issued by an Income Tax Authority can be issued in paper form or communicated in electronic form
๐Equalization Levy @ 6% on _online digital advertisement and incidental services_ or provision of digital advertising space
๐TCS @ 1% on luxury vehicles and cash sale of goods or provision of services
๐Exit Tax for Charitable Institutions
๐Non resident not having PAN shall not be subjected to 20% TDS
๐Jurisdiction of Assessing Officer not to questioned in serach cases after one month from notice u/s 153A
๐Non Corporate assessee also to pay advance tax , _15% by 15th June . 45% by 15th Sep, 75% by 15th Dec and 100% by 15th March_
_๐In case of presumptive Income 100% advance tax to be paid by 15th March_
๐Application for Waiver of Interest u/s 220(2A) to be disposed off with in one year
๐Interest under section 234C shall not be chargeable in case of an assessee having income under the head “Profits and gains of business or profession” for the first time,
_๐ Interest on Refund for timely filed return to be allowed from 1st April but interest on refund for belated return to be allowed from date of furnishing of return_
_๐ Interest on refund of self assessment tax to be allowed from date of filing of return or payment of tax, whichever is later._
_๐No Interest to be allowed if refund is lesser than 10% of determined tax_
๐Additional 3% Interest for Appeal Effect delayed beyond 3 months
๐In ITAT post of Sr Vice President abolished
๐Rectification period of ITAT orders limited from 4 years to 6 months
๐Monetary limit for Hearing of appeal by SMC in ITAT raised from 15 lacs to 50 lacs u/s 255(3)
๐Time Limit for completion of assessments reduced from 24 months to 21 months . Assessments to be complted by 31st December.
๐Order for appeal effect to be passed with in 3 months from the end of month in which appeal order is received
๐Limit of Rs. 5000/- for Winnings from Horse Races enhanced to Rs. 10,000/-
_๐For TDS on payment to Contractors Aggregate Annual Limit of Rs. 75000/- increased to Rs 100000/-_
๐Monetary Limit of Rs. 20,000/- for TDS on Insurance Commission u/s 194D reduced to Rs. 15000
_๐Monetary Limit for TDS on Commission u/s 194H enhanced from Rs. 5000/- to Rs. 15000/- and rate reduced from 10% to 5% to bring parity with Insurance Commission._
๐Monetary Limit for TDS on Commission on Lottery Tickets u/s 194G enhanced from Rs. 1000/- to Rs. 15000/- and rate reduced from 10% to 5% to bring parity with Insurance and other Commission
๐TDS rate on withdrawl of NSS Deposits reduced from 20% to 10% u/s 194EE
๐TDS on LIC Maturities exceeding Rs. 1,00,000/- not exempt u/s 10(10D) was charged @2% by Finance Act 2014 wef 01-10-2014 . TDS rate lowered to 1%.
๐TDS @10% for compulsory acquisition of immovable property other than agriculture land where aggregate payments during financial year exceed Rs. 2 lacs now enhanced to Rs 2.50 lacs.
_๐Form 15G/15H enabled for rental payments also_
๐The Direct Tax Dispute Resolution Scheme for immunity from post assessment interest, penalty and prosecution for cases pending before CITA on 29-02-2016 [Scheme Available up to 31st December]
๐The Income Declaration Scheme 2016. Tax, Surcharge and Penalty @ 45% of Undisclosed Income. Declaration to be filed till 30th September. Tax etc to be paid till 30th November.
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