Must read this honest confession of a value Investor for LONG TERM :

Must read this honest confession of a value Investor for LONG TERM :

" I retired from my 35 years Services in 2006 and received Rs. 60 Lakhs from my Company towards consolidated Retirement benefits.
That was the time when I came in contact with a Leading Share broker and Investment Advisor .

Influenced by his LONG TERM VALUE INVESTING THEORY IN GREAT STOCKS   OF EQUITY MARKETS ,then sit tight , forget the investments for a few years  -  to SEE THE REAL GROWTH ,  I made a " S.I.P. type "  buying in the Shares of  following BLUE CHIP
Companies,  investing  Rs.10  Lakhs in EACH Stock as and when recommended..(total savings  INVESTED  Rs.80 Lakhs).

1. Year 2007 :  RELIANCE COMMUNICATIONS @ Rs.730.00 a share.
"Reason "given: Largest investor/  fastest growing in the Telecom Sector.

2. Year 2008 : VIDEOCON @ Rs. 755.00 a Share.
"Reason": Largest Player in Electronics  with their TV  and other Products finding a place in most of The Indian Homes and tremendous Growth Potential of Consumer  Goods.

3. Year 2009: JP ASSOCIATES @ Rs. 260 .00 a Share.
"Reason":  fastest growing
Company in Cement, Power and Infrastructure - all key growth drivers in India.
Also the Chairman Mr.Jp Gaur getting the Prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award by ET and E & Y.

4. Year 2010-11:  JINDAL STEEL & POWER
@ Rs. 3200/= a Share.
The Investment firm said the NAME of MR.NAVIN JINDAL,  MP, as the sole reason for this most profitable Steel giant to maintain   FUTURE VALUE CREATION.

As I was not getting the desired results, I changed my INVESTMENT ADVISOR in 2012 and on his Recommendations ,
further invested for LONG TERM in the following Shares (in S.l.P. style to prevent any risk) with assurance of Earlier LOSSES  being covered adequately by New buying.

5. Year 2011-12: UNITECH LTD. @ 105 .00
REASON: not only  one of the biggest builder, but
Leading Investment Firms rated this Company as the FASTEST / LARGEST  WEALTH CREATOR.

6. Year 2013: Dr.REDDY 
@ Rs. 3380.00
Reason : in PHARMA name required no reason

7. Year 2014 -15 :
i) LUPIN @ 1700/- and ii)
SUN PHARMA @ Rs.1175/-
Reason: LUPIN being the qfastest growing PHARMA Company in developed Countries like USA and JAPAN while SUN PHARMA needed no introduction.
The CEO of Sun Pharma Mr.D.Sanghwi was reported as occupying the position of "RICHEST
INDIAN" by replacing Mr.Mukesh Ambani to 2nd Position.

Today , the value a Share of these TOP and ONCE MOST RESPECTED Companies is : @ Rs. 22/-,
Videocon @ Rs. 19/-
Jp Associates @ Rs. 22/-
Jindal @ Rs. 125/-
Unitech @ Rs. 7/-
Dr.Reddy's  @ Rs.1900/-
Lupin@ Rs. 950/-  and
Sun Pharma @Rs.460/- ."

While I helped this Person  by servicing some of his Old LIC Policies ( negligeble amount) , THIS story of LONG TERM INVESTING(10 years)  only shows that " Share Markets are full of RISK,
No Company is SAFE and Losses can eat ANY RECOMMENDATION."

THE GENTLEMAN, today 70 years of age, also warned that " it was his GREED  combined with his Broker's ADVICE only, that restricted him selling shares at some reasonable  rates in ANTICIPATION of  Future upward corrections."

In conclusion one can only say the GURU MANTRA " don't keep all the Eggs in one Basket" and also the Fact that
