Investing tips..

Investing tips..
जब आप किसी Co. मे. Invest करें, तो ये पहले जाने कि Company का Business Model क्या हैं। Visit Profile section on Company official website. If you are convinced about company's Future Growth त़ो आप निम्नलिखित parameter पर गौर करें।
1. Market Cap > 250Cr (Operators Play: In Low Market Cap Company, Stock Price may be manipulated easily) - एक नये निवेशक के लिए छोटी Company मे invest करना Risky हो सकता है।
2. Face Value of share =Rs. 10, (Ideal One)
3. Price-to-Earning Ratio : PE below 17 is providing You safety of Margin.
4. (PE < Industry PE)
5. Promoter Holding >51% (above 65% is Treated as a Good ) - ये दिखाता है कि Promoter का अपनी company मे कितना भरोसा है।
6. There shouldn't any Pledged Share by Company Promoters.
7. Earning per Share (EPS) Should be Good. - एक share पर कँपनी की कमाई कितनी हो रही है।
8. If PEG (Price Earning/Growth Ratio) is in between 0 & 1, The. It's good to invest.
9. Book Value shows the Actual price of Stock. eg. कँपनी के दिवालिया होने पर पर प्रति $hare कितने पैसे मिलने हैं। If Book value is more than CMP, Then we treat it as a Undervalued Stock.
10. Regular Dividends Paying on YoY basis. - लाभ मे हिस्सादारी
11. Last but not the least one..
Debt to Equity Ratio is less then 1.
D/E = 0.00 ( उधार मुक्त company) for Awesome Companies.
