Lot of Debate all across on Budget. Despite being die Hard follower of BJP & esp Modiji, believe it was overall below average, vote oriented and with short sighted approach to protect vote bank at cost of common men. We don’t expect any reduction in slab or taxes but certainly cannot continue to support mis utilisation of honest tax payment of ours :
1. Why should with increase in custom duty, Cess and LTCG, another scheme of MPS/ Rural Development be done which will just go to few corrupt political lobby/administrators . This will help them to fool farmers that scheme is more for rural benefit, attract vote and like other Reform implementation in last two years , will be another fiasco.
2. Why aren’t they charging income tax on agriculturist who declare income of + 5 Lakhs. This will increase tax base and reduce deficit big way. But All of political lobby will be impacted and vote bank will be impacted.
3. Why can’t honest tax payer get some advantage. Why providing 10 crores family with 5 Lakhs medical cover free and at whose cost again ? It should have been given to honest tax payer basis ITR return as certain x of tax paid. But in name of above scheme another billions will wiped out.
3. All reform executed till date are pathetically executed with zero planning. Whether it was Demonetization , GST, SIIB, New Complaines at Customs or E-Way Bill. We could understand debacle in one of them, but all failing shows serious concern on implementation plan. Entire business and comman men are suffering. Till what extent, people should support and keep faith.
4. What efforts have govt taken to expose corrupt political lobbies in name of black money, how many govt official are penalized for corruption charges ? Answer is none. Action need to be visible which is somehow missing. Not all of them are fraud but certainly many of them are making life miserable.
5. If deficit was so larger concern, why introducing metro project of 75k crores just before Gujrat election. Why allowance of million of rupee to MP who don’t attend single parliamentary session. Simple calculation even if mobile reimbusrment of 15000 is stopped for each MP ( as entire country you get 599/- scheme with all incoming and outgoing free) will help saving 11million per month. This is super small step, then they get House, Travel and other perks without any performance record in constituency. Politics is only Field where no qualification is required ?
High time ground action are needed, instead of flattering speeches and only long terms rosy pictures.
People who are honest in paying taxes are getting what. I personally respect great leader in BJP like Modiji, Sinhaji , Parikarji and Piyush Goelji , but they themselves to evaluate are efforts sufficient and in right spirit ?
Let’s not be blind supporter of BJP, understand ourselves what happening is right ? Lastly only reason BJP will again come in 2019 because every of Poor opposition face , I wish we could have some better choices available to enable BJP to perform, adhere to commitment given in manifesto and win election of 2019.
I hope and just hope in next one year some real work will be done and we could say from heart “ Mera Desh Baadal Raha Hain “
Warm Regards
True Minority of Country- Taxpayer of India
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