Plastics Banned In Maharashtra
From June 23, 2018 With Minimum Fine Of Rs.5000, If You Are Found Carrying Or
Using Single Use or Non-Reclyable Plastic Items.
1. Any Kind Of Plastic Bags
Are Banned
2. Disposable Plastic Products
like Spoons, Forks, Cups, Plates, Glasses, Bowls and Container Are Prohibited
for Use By users. Shopkeepers and Manufacturers
2. Disposable Thermocol Items
like Plates, Glasses, Bowls and Containers Are Included in the Plastic Ban
3. Plastic or Thermocol
Decoration Items Are Also Included
4. Disposable Dish/ Bowl Used
For Packaging Food In Hotels, Spoon, Straw, Non-Woven Bags Made Of
Polypropylene, Cups/Pouches To Store Liquid Are Included In The Ban
5. Plastic Packaging To Wrap Or
Store The Products Are Also Included In The Plastic Ban
6. Items Allowed Pet Bottles, Milk
Pouches, Garbage Bin Liners, Plastic Containers, Tiffin Boxes. Bottles, Etc.,
Plastic Bags Used For Agriculture, Horticulture, Plant Nurseries Plastic
Packaging For Medical Purposes, Raincoats /Tarpaulin Sheets/ Pens, Plastic
Wrappers Of Biscuits, Chips, Etc. (manufacturing), Plastic / Thermocol
Packaging Of Products Al Manufacturing Stage.
15th Floor, New Administrative Building
Madam Cama Road, Mantralaya,
Mumbai 400 032, dated 23rd March, 2018
15th Floor, New Administrative Building
Madam Cama Road, Mantralaya,
Mumbai 400 032, dated 23rd March, 2018
Plastic-2018/C.R. No.24/TC-4.
WHEREAS, concerns about usage and
disposal of plastic are diverse and include accumulation of waste in landfills,
water bodies and in natural habitats, physical problems for wild animals
resulting from ingestion or entanglement in plastic, the leaching of chemicals
from plastic products and the potential for plastics to transfer chemicals to
wildlife and humans are increasing.
AND WHEREAS, because of
non-biodegradable plastic waste handling of municipal solid waste becomes
difficult and incurs more financial burden and also due to burning such waste
in open environment causes various diseases in humans and animals.
it is observed that non-biodegradable garbage is responsible for clogging
drains and nallas causing flood in urban settlement leading to loss of lives
and damage to properties and infrastructure.
plastic waste and micro plastic cause danger to marine and freshwater
bio-diversity and also hamper ecosystem services due to spreading of such waste
in and around ecosystems, on tourists places, beaches and on agriculture and
forest areas.
non-biodegradable plastic waste and micro plastic are having negative impacts
on fish diversity and fisheries activity.
non-biodegradable waste is posing problems in effective implementation of Clean
India Mission.
detailed stake-holders consultations and deliberations with the field level
officials were undertaken, and public notices were also published in leading
despite the ban on plastic bags of less than 50 micron through Maharashtra
Plastic Carry Bags (Manufacture and Usage) Rules, 2006, there is increase in
the non-biodegradable plastic garbage waste causing damage to environment and
in exercise of the powers conferred by Clause (1) & (2) of Section 4 of the
Maharashtra Non-Biodegradable Garbage (Control) Act, 2006, the Government of
Maharashtra hereby authorises regulations for manufacture, usage, sale,
storage, transport of the products made from plastic & thermocol etc. which
generates non-biodegradable waste.
1. Short Title and Commencement :-
1. This may
be called the Maharashtra Plastic and Thermocol Products (Manufacture, Usage,
Sale, Transport, Handling and Storage) Notification, 2018.
2. This
Notification shall come into force with effect from the date of their
publication in the Maharashtra Government Gazette.
2. Definitions:
1) “Act”
means the Maharashtra Non-Biodegradable Garbage (Control) Act, 2006.
2) “Plastic”
means material; which contains as an essential ingredient a high polymer such
as polyethylene terephthalate, high density polyethylene, vinyl, low density
polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene resins, poly styrene (thermacol),
non-oven polypropylene, multi layered co extruder, poly propylene, poly
terephthalate, poly amides, poly methyl methacrylate, plastic micro beads, etc.
“Compostable Plastic” means plastic that undergoes degradation by biological
processes during composting to yield CO2, water, inorganic compounds and
biomass at a rate consistent with other known compostable materials, excluding
environmental petro-based plastic, and does not leave visible, distinguishable
or toxic residue, and which shall confirm to the Indian Standard: IS 17088:2008
titled as Specifications for Compostable Plastics, as amended from time to
4) “Plastic
sheets” means sheet made of plastic.
5) “Plastic
Waste” means any plastic discarded after use or after their intended use is
“Recycling” means the process of transforming segregated plastic waste into a
new product or raw material for producing a new products.
7) “Producer
/ Manufacturer” means person engaged in manufacture or import of plastic bags
or multilayered packaging or containers or plastic sheets or like, and includes
industries or individuals using plastic sheets or like or covers made up of
plastic sheets or sheets or also manufacture products made from plastic or used
plastic for packaging or wrapping the commodity.
“Commodity” means tangible items that may be brought or sold and includes all
marketable goods or wares.
9) “Plastic
bags” means bags made from plastic material, used for the purpose of carrying
or dispensing commodities which have handle or without handle and also includes
bags made from non-woven polypropylene and constitute or form an integral part
of the packaging at manufacturing stage or is an integral part of
10) “PET and
PETE bottles” means bottles made up of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and
polyethylene terephthalate esters (PETE) used for packaging or storing liquid
or semi liquid food, including water.
“Commodities made from Thermocol” means any commodity or product made from
12) “Form”
means form attached with these regulations.
“Product” means anything or object or item made from plastic or Thermocol.
3. Following
activities will be regulated in the whole State of Maharashtra in exercise of
the powers conferred by section 2(h) , sub-section 1 and 2 of section 4 of the
Maharashtra Non-Biodegradable Garbage (Control) Act, 2006.
(1) 1) The
ban in the whole State of Maharashtra for manufacture, usage,
distribution, wholesale & retail sale and storage, import of the plastic
bags with handle and without handle, and the disposable products manufactured
from plastic & thermocol (polystyrene) such as single use disposable dish,
cups, plates, glasses, fork, bowl, container, disposable dish/ bowl used for
packaging food in hotels, spoon, straw, non-woven polypropylene bags, cups/
pouches to store liquid, packaging with plastic to wrap or store the products,
packaging of food items and food grain material etc.
2) These
regulations are applicable to every person, body of person, government and
non-government organization, educational institution, sport complex, clubs,
cinema halls and theaters, marriage/celebration halls, industrial units,
commercial institutions, offices, pilgrimage organisers, pilgrimages and
religious places, hotels, dhabas, shopkeepers, malls, vendors or sellers,
traders, manufacturers, caterer, wholesalers, retailers, stockiest,
businessmen, hawkers, salesmen, transporters, market, producers, stalls,
tourist places, forest & reserved forest, eco-sensitive areas, all sea
beaches, all public places, bus stands, railway stations in the State of
3) There
will be ban in whole state for use of plastic and thermocol for decoration
(2) Use,
sale, storage and manufacture of PET or PETE bottles made up of high quality
food grade virgin Bisphenol-A free material having liquid holding capacity not
less than 0.5 liters and printed on it with predefined buy back price shall be
allowed subject to compliance of the following.
bottle manufacturers, producers, sellers and traders under ‘Extended Producers
and Sellers/Traders Responsibility’ will develop “Buy Back Depository
Mechanism” with a predefined buy back price printed specifically on such PET or
PETE bottles and also set up Collection and Recycling units of adequate
capacity and number to collect and recycle such PET or PETE bottles within
three months from the date of publication of this notification. Traders /
sellers will buy back such used PET/ PETE bottles with predefined buy back
price printed on such bottles.
bottles having liquid holding capacity 1 liter or more and of 0.5 liter will be
printed on the body of the bottle with predefined buy back price of Rs. 1/-and
Rs.2/- respectively. However, there will be ban on usage, purchase, sale,
distribution and storage of PET / PETE bottles having liquid holding capacity
less than 0.5 liters in the State.
(3) These
regulations shall not be applicable to the following items:-
i. Plastic
bags or plastic used for packaging of medicines;
ii. Only
compostable plastic bags or material used for plant nurseries, horticulture,
agriculture, handling of solid waste. However, bags / sheets utilized for this
purpose shall be prominently printed on it with “Use exclusively for this
specific purpose only”. The manufacturers or seller of compostable plastic
carry bags shall obtain a certificate from the Central Pollution Control Board
before marketing or selling for this purpose.
iii. To
manufacture plastic and plastic bags for export purpose only, in the Special
Economic Zone and export oriented units etc.
iv. The
plastic cover / plastic to wrap the material at the manufacturing stage or is
an integral part of manufacturing. Guidelines to recycle or reuse such plastic
should be printed prominently on the cover and material.
v. Food
grade virgin plastic bags not less than 50 micron thickness used for packaging
of milk. However, on such plastic bags used for this purpose, should be clearly
printed with the price for buy back which should not be less than Rs.0.50 to
develop buy back system for recycling. To develop collection mechanism and
ensure proper recycling of such used bags, milk dairies, retail sellers and
traders will buy back such used milk bags with predefined buy back price
printed on it. Milk dairies, retail sellers and traders will ensure that such
buy back mechanism and collection and recycling system shall establish within
three months from the date of publication of this regulation. However, Milk
Dairy and distributors shall make efforts to develop alternative system with
glass bottles or any other environmental friendly material for distribution of
4. The
following officers are authorized and empowered for the implementation and
to take
necessary legal action under powers conferred u/s 12 of the provisions of the
Maharashtra Non-biodegradable (Control) Act, 2006, as per their jurisdiction :-
1. 1)
Municipal Commissioners, Deputy Municipal Commissioners, Shops &
Establishment Officers and Inspectors, Sanitary Inspector, Health Inspector,
Health Officer, Ward Officers or any other Officer nominated by the Municipal
Commissioner as well as Chief Officers of all Municipal Councils and any other
Officer nominated by the Chief Officer are authorized to implement the
provisions of the said Regulations in their respective jurisdiction.
2) District
Collector, Deputy Collector, Sub-Divisional Officer, Tahasildar, Talathi and
any other officer nominated by Collector, are authorized to implement the
provisions of the said Regulations in their respective jurisdiction.
3) Chief
Executive Officer, Zilla Parishad; Block Development Officer, Health Officer,
Development Officer, District Education Officer, Block Education Officer and
Gram Sevak are authorized to implement the provisions of the said Regulations
in their respective jurisdiction.
4) Member
Secretary, Regional Officer, Sub-Regional Officer and Field Officer of
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board, Scientist-I & II and Director,
Environment Department, Government of Maharashtra.
5) Director,
Health Services; Deputy Director, Health Services; Health Officers.
6) Director,
Primary & Secondary Education Board.
7) All
Tourism Police, Police Inspector, Police Sub-Inspector, Motor Vehicle
Inspector, Traffic Police, Joint Managing Director, Maharashtra Tourism
Development Corporation or any other officer authorized by Managing Director,
Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation.
8) Deputy
Commissioner (Supply), District Supply Officer
Commissioner State Tax and all State Tax Officers.
10) Range
Forest Officer or any other officer authorized by Deputy Conservator of Forest.
2. 1) For
implementation of these regulations, the person at village or city level,
interested persons, group of people, welfare organizations, industrial
association and members of all local bodies etc. shall register any offence
with the concerned authorized officer, notified in these regulations for this
2) The said
registered person, group of people, welfare organizations, industrial
association shall help the officers authorized under the said regulations, for
providing information of violation of these regulations and assist such
officers to impose fine, to confiscate the material made from plastic &
thermocol and assist in registering the offence.
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board shall impose the condition on manufacturers
indicating that recycling price and buy back price should be prominently
printed on PET / PETE bottles and plastic bags permissible under these
regulations while issuing consent to establish, consent to operate/ renewal and
also to initiate actions on non-complying units or industries under appropriate
6. Separate
order for levying recycling fees from manufacturers at manufacturing stage and
recycling fees at selling point at local body level will be issued in
consultation with Directorate of Goods and Services Taxes and with approval of
the Empowered committee .
7. Time
frame for implementation of these regulation :-
Sr. No.
Manufacturer / Producer
Manufacturing and sale of banned
From date of notification.
Disposal of existing stock of
banned items by
1) Sale outside the State.
2) Sale to authorized recycleror
One month from the date of
Sellers, Retailers, Traders
Ban on Sale
From the date of Notification
Disposal of Existing Stock by
1) Sale outside the State.
2) Sale to authorized recycler or
3) Handed over to Local Body for
Scientific disposal or recycling;
and plastic waste generated under
buy back scheme to be handed over to authorized recyclers or to the such
mechanism developed for the same.
One month from the date of
Use of banned items.
From the date of Notification.
Disposal of existing plastic
banned items with the individual users by
1) Handed over to Local Body for
Scientific disposal or recycling;
2) Sale to authorized recycler or
One month from the date of
Local Body
To arrange the collection,
transportation of banned plastic items or plastic waste of existing stock for
recycling to authorized recyclers or industries or scientific disposal.
One month from the date of
8. Empowered
Committee, constituted under the chairmanship of Minister (Environment) shall
monitor the implementation of these regulations and will regularly review the
incorporation of additional items which generate non-biodegradable garbage
including use of PET or PETE bottles to be banned in the State. This committee
will also help in resolving any difficulty faced by implementing authorities
during implementation and if required also carry out any amendment in these
regulations with an aim to reduce the volume of non-biodegradable garbage
generation in the State
9. Expert
Committee shall be constituted under these regulations which will suggest the
recommendations including amendment required, if any in the regulations to the
Empowered Committee for effective implementation of the regulations and
solutions to reduce the non-biodegradable garbage.
Implementing Authorities, shall submit quarterly report in the Form-A to the
State Government.
By order and in the name of the Governor of Maharashtra,
Additional Chief Secretary (Environment)
(1) Period
of Report : From __________________ to __________________
(2) Name
& Address of Enforcing Agency :
(3) Name of
the Officers Incharge of enforcement of the aforesaid Rules:
Telephone/Cell No.(Office) :-
(5) E-Mail
ID :
(6) No. of
cases registered in the jurisdiction for violation:
3rd Offence
No. of Cases filed in
the Court |
No.of cases sub-udiced
Amount of fine
collected |
1st Offence
2nd Offence
2. __________________________________________
Grand Total
(7) Details
of special drives undertaken for effective implementation of the Rules :-
(8) List of
first time offenders and second time offenders.
(9) Details
of public awareness programmes conducted by Enforcing Agency in their
(10) Any
other relevant information.
(Signature of the Reporting Authority)
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