In these volatile times, when *FII's* are selling non stop, and no big local positive news happening where do we get conviction to stay invested in equity.
Conviction comes from quality of management and business.
Has maruti stopped making new cars and expansion of volumes ...?ЁЯЪЧ
Has hpcl, bpcl,.... shutdown even one single pump due to high crude prices ...? ⛽
Has jubiliant foods stop making dominos pizza...?ЁЯНХ
Have school going children stopped buying bata shoes...?ЁЯСЮ
Have ITC stop making cigarettes...?ЁЯЪм
Did any bank send you back home saying, sorry sir no cash available today...?ЁЯТ░
Have people stopped taking baths and washing clothes with HUL products...?
Is any flight of indigo flying empty...?✈
If answer to all above question is a big *NO* .... then why do we worry.
Prices of shares and NAVs of many good funds are available at lower than demonitisation phase value of dec 2016
After demonitisation 2017 was a non stop dream run.
So logically the seeds of next bull run are silently being sowed by smart investors.
Finally 3 important things.
*1.* If you are already fully invested, dont panic just hang on.
*2.* If you have room for further investment, get brave and invest wisely in equity.
*3.* If you are doing equity SIP you are already part of investor.
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