*Prime Minister Narendra Modi address to CII*:
Prime Minister Narendra Modi called for the corporate leaders to take an oath to make India self-reliant. He was addressing the annual session of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), through via a virtual online meeting. PM Modi shared his vision on 'Getting Growth Back' with representatives of the India Inc.
PM's address to the India Inc came at a crucial time for India due to various reasons including, 1) Modi govt's completion of one year of its second term in the office. 2) Companies are resuming operations after the Ministry of Home Affairs allowed relaxations amid lockdown. 3) Ratings agency Moody's on Monday downgraded India's rating for first time in 22 years.
*Top highlights of the PM Modi's address to CII:*
• We will take structural reforms that will change course of the country; we will together build self-reliant India.
• World is looking for a trusted, reliable partner. In India, we have potential, strength & ability. Today, all of you, including all the industries must benefit from the trust that has developed for India all over the world.
• Take an oath to make India Aatmanirbhar. Govt is standing with you, you need to stand with the goals of the country.
• In around ₹200 crore of purchases done by the government, global tenders have been removed to boost small-scale industries.
• The country now needs to manufacture products which are 'Made in India' and are 'Made for the World'
• I request you to come up with detailed study of different sectors.
I invite India Inc for active participation for the AatmNirbhar Bharat.
• The direction in which the government is moving today, be it our mining sector, energy sector or research and technology, in every field there will be many new opportunities for youth of the country
• We will have to invest in robust local supply chain which will strengthen India's share in global supply chain. In this campaign, a big institution like Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) will also have to come forward in a new role post-Corona.
• We must stabilise, speed up economy.
• Getting back on track is highest priority for govt.
Getting growth back is not that tough.
• Re-strengthening economy against Corona is one of our highest priorities. For this, the government has taken immediate decisions. We have also taken decisions which will help the country in the long run
• Reforms for my govt is not random or scattered decisions. Reforms are systemic, planned, integrated and inter-connected for my govt.
• Farmers can now go anywhere to sell their produce, will open news avenues for agri-businesses
• Five things are most important for India to be self-reliant: Intent, Inclusion, Investment, Infrastructure and Innovation. You will get a glimpse of these in the bold decisions recently taken by us
• Will reduce govt intervention from people's lives.
• I would go beyond 'Getting Growth Back' and I would say, Yes, we will definitely get our growth back
• Getting economy back on track is one of our highest priorities
• I strongly believe in India's crisis management, MSMEs and farmers
Yes, we will definitely get our growth back
• Online events like these are new new normal in the post-covid world.
PM Modi congratulated CII for completion of 125 years.
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